1.What does it mean to network using social media

It means we are using social media like Facebook, Instagram, Reddit to know and learn from different people in different fields regardless of age and physical barriers. We are likely to meet someone that we might not get to know in our whole life by using social media. And social media really helps us to expand our network and gain more opportunities to learn and make some progress. 

2. How are we motivated to participate in networked publics

For the moment, leave aside the benefits of participating in networked publics. For the majority of people, they are easy to be affected by their peers. For example, most people think that if they don’t follow the trend, they would be isolated by peers. 

In addition, actively participating in networked publics can bring people fame and reputations. Most people love to be admired and adored. So, I reckon that the vanity of people could be one thing that motivates us to participate in networked publics. 

3.What are the risks & rewards of public communications


In this networked world, privacy doesn’t exist at all. A single photo you post online could possibly leak your home address and put you in danger. Moreover, literature suggests that spending too much time on public communications may negatively your academic performance and reduce students’ interpersonal communication skills.  


People could learn whatever they want in public communications and there are countless ideas and thoughts which could expand your mind and inspire you to some extent.  

4. What is a digital identity?  

According to Eric Stoller, a digital identity is your presence online. It’s everything you say and behave on the internet. It’s like your footprint on the web. 

5. How do personal versus professional approaches to digital identity affect social media use?   

For personal approaches, people would like to build a digital identity that they want to present to their friends and future friends which usually leads to more casual use of social media. However, when it comes to professional approaches, it tends to be more serious and professional in social media. People would be careful when they post and comment and act (at least pretend to be) more professionally. 

6. How do digital identities converge in networked publics – what are the impacts and/or benefits? 

A clear and distinctive digital identity helps people filter and choose information and who to make friends with quicker. And it makes people easier to form a group and learn together. Also, the employer can get to know how are you like and how is your life looks like through digital identities.