Consider the audiences and how we adapt our messaging accordingly.

To build an inclusive and open PLN, we need first consider who are our target audiences before conveying any information. For example, if we are constructing an Economics PLN, our post and words should be more professional and a bit formal. Because people will think you are not experienced for your immature words. Also, more statistics are recommended which can make your thoughts more convincing . However, when you are operating a PLN in daily life, people will prefer a casual and friendly tone. It is better if you can do some research in how your audiences speak online before you start.

Research our guest and see how they leveraged their network into a campaign. Reflect in your blog of this effort.

After few research, I roughly learned how Markiel Simpson influence their network into a campaign. First, Markiel Simpson pays close attention to the news and makes valuable comments in it. By doing this, they could build a more diverse and inclusive PLN. Second, Markiel Simpson is highly engaged in their PLN, they would retweet other’s thoughts and interact with PLN frequently. Third, Markiel Simpson would participate in the offline or online activities and post their thoughts. For example, Markiel Simpson is recently take part in the campaign called #StrongerTogether. To encourage people to speak truth and claims, Markiel Simpson had a speech at Vancouver police board explaining the shortage of current policies.